(enlargers, copy stands, overheads)

<font color="#00FF00">Darkroom...</font color><br>(enlargers, copy stands, overheads)
Trays, cut film tanks, 35mm tanks, 35mm reels, canvas type flat print dryers, a table top compact drum drier (hard to find), 120 reels, baseboards, easels, large 4 reel 120 tank, contact printers, lots of printing paper CHEAP, dry mount press, dry mount tissue, safe lights,film cassettes, plastic ware, funnels glass & plastic, bulk loaders, large 8x10 dip tanks (2), bottles (small), gloves, aprons, enlarging meters, timers, tongs, film clips, funnels, beakers, focusing aids, glassware, distilled water machine, enlarging lenses of all types, some carriers and boards for various enlargers, darkroom lights, enlarger bulbs, 4x5 hangers, books on enlarging, bins of misc darkroom items, stirrers, thermometers, antique glass graduates, antique beakers, film clips, tweezers, droppers, spotting colors, darkroom filter sets, compact fans, glass plates (1 box), tray siphon, tacking iron, small contact printer, print proofer, archival print washer tank, very large print paper(several boxes), cheap timers, $20 misc. darkroom lenses your choice, light tables, DK-50 and other misc older chemicals, water distillation machine, wall mount temperature gauge, color drum, color drum roller, voltage stabilizer, 8x10 film hangers, 2x3 film hangers, Kodak precision enlarger parts (many accessories), D2 condensers (some), 5x7 Beseler cold light head, 2x3 Graflex cold light back for 2x3 Graphic, 4x5 cold light head (adaptable), Vivitar color head (new), huge enamel developing tray, drum print washer, numerous other misc enlargers.
I Ship to Europe & Japan etc.

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Jim's Cameras; ON LINE ONLY Seattle,WA 98107 Phone: NONE (jimscameras@gmail.com)

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